
Max-Planck – Focus Symposium – Host-directed therapy : New ways to curing infections

November 16th to 17th, 2015


The aim of the conference is to bring together pioneers in this emerging research area, discuss their most recent findings and future applications, as well as potential constraints of the approach for medical use. To this end, key scientists in the field as well as experts from the pharmaceutical industries will present their latest results and provide their views on the importance of new treatment strategies.

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The Liver Meeting 2015 – AASLD

13 – 17 November 2015

U.S.A, San Francisco, California

More than 9,500 hepatologists and hepatology health professionals from across the nation and around the world gather at The Liver Meeting® to exchange the latest liver diseases research, discuss treatment outcomes, and interact with colleagues at the annual must-attend even in the science and practice of hepatology.

poster AASLD_P.Andre_Poster_2_2015

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2015 International HBV Meeting – The Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses

October 4, 2015 – October 8, 2015

Bad Nauheim, Germany

The International Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses remains the definitive international meeting that covers all aspects of the biology of hepatitis B and hepatitis D, including biochemistry, molecular biology, traditional virology, immunology, pathogenesis, and carcinogenesis, as well as the latest developments in antiviral therapies against these two viruses.

Pr P. André’s talk : “Reciprocal effect of HBV infection and FXR activation on the expression of FXR controlled genes”.

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AVIESAN – Kick-off Meeting REACTing

29-30 June 2015

Les Pensières” Fondation Mérieux-Conference Center, Veyrier du Lac – France

REsearch and ACTion targeting emerging infectious diseases (REACTing)

Dr V. Lotteau’s talk : “Response to Ebola : In vitro & in vivo experiments”

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Targeting Ebola 2015

May 28-29, 2015

Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

Targeting Ebola 2015 will be a unique and cutting edge conference to discuss the recent advances, strategies and challenges in all Ebola issues, with plenary lectures given by leading scientists, and poster presentations covering various aspects of Ebola infection.
Ebola 2015 will address and discuss different strategies and challenges (short and long term) across the entire innovation cycle. We will discuss the vaccine candidates available and the ability to roll out clinical trial vaccination programmes in EU / Africa,

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