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BFM Business « Le Tête à Tête Décideurs » – Interview de Jacky Vonderscher, DG d’ENYO Pharma


2018 BIO International Convention

4-7 June, 2018

Boston, USA

“The BIO International Convention is hosted by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, which represents more than 1,100 biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the United States and in more than 30 other nations. BIO members are involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products”.


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GHP – Most Innovative Drug Discovery Company – West Europe & Award for Excellence in Mitochondrial Disease Drug Development


Approbation aux Etats-Unis du brevet d’utilisation des agonistes FXR contre la réplication de HBV

ENYO Pharma a obtenu l’approbation aux Etats-Unis du brevet d’utilisation des agonistes de FXR contre le virus de l’Hépatite B (HBV). Ce brevet a fait l’objet d’un accord de licence exclusive avec l’Inserm. Les agonistes FXR modifient la composition du complexe transcriptionnel du cccDNA de HBV provoquant une répression de l’expression du cccDNA.

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BioCentury – Management tracks: Sotio, Epimab
