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Chronic Hepatitis B Drug Development Summit

5-6 May, 2021

Pietro Scalfaro, our CMO, will present clinical results of our lead compound Vonafexor at the Chronic Hepatitis B Drug Development Summit : “Targeting the Farnesoid X Receptor for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B”.

This Summit is the first-ever dedicated digital industry forum dedicated exclusively to the frontier of drug development in Chronic HBV. The two-day program explores the full spectrum of antiviral & immunomodulatory agents being investigated to achieve a functional cure in chronic HBV infection &

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Etienne Morel’s talk at the Virology Virtual Conference

Etienne Morel, collaborator of ENYO Pharma, gave a talk describing the results of our collaboration entitled “From virus-host molecular crosstalk to ER-mitochondria membrane interface mobilization in innate immunity” at the Virology Virtual Conference on March the 23th :
Conference description

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Lyon Décideurs – Enquête : Lyon, paradis pour les biotechs ?

Our CEO Jacky Vonderscher has been interviewed in Maxime Feuillet’s feature on biotechs that have found their paradise in Lyon.

New publication : Mitochondrial morphodynamics alteration induced by influenza virus infection as a new antiviral strategy

Together with the team of Etienne Morel, ENYO Pharma continues the antiviral exploration of its molecule targeting the NEET proteins, in the context of influenza virus. In this new article, we demonstrate that MITO-C exerts a membrane signature that strictly counteracts the signature applied by influenza virus infection on the mitochondria and on endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contact sites. Consequently, MITO-C potentiates Interferon expression and inhibits viral replication. Publication here

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EASL – International Liver Congress 2021

23–26 June 2021
Digital congress

ENYO Pharma will be present from the 23th to the 26th of June 2021 at the digital EASL International Liver Congress with a first poster “A phase 2 study testing FXR agonist Vonafexor in treatment naive patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB): preliminary week 16 results” (EASL-ICL 2021 Abstract No. 2844) in the Hepatitis B/D Therapy Session:

And a second poster “Farnesoid X receptor alpha ligands inhibit in vitro HDV replication and virion secretion and infectivity”

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