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HBV Cure Workshop 2018

Pietro Scalfaro, Chief Medical Officer of ENYO Pharma, has participated to the 5th edition of the International HBV Cure Workshop 2018 on November 7 -8 in Toronto, Canada. The HBV Cure Workshop is a scientific platform that allows to accelerate the research in finding a cure of hepatitis B. During this event, researchers and clinical experts had the opportunity to discuss current challenges regarding the disease and to present research outcomes.

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ENYO Pharma announces the successful completion of phase Ib with its FXR agonist EYP001 and the start of phase II studies in two indications, NASH and HBV

Lyon, November 06, 2018 – ENYO Pharma, a clinical stage biotech company developing innovative drug candidates, today announced completion of its phase Ib clinical trial evaluating the safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of its FXR agonist compound EYP001 in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection (CHBV). The company highlights that EYP001 was well-tolerated by patients and induced a prolonged FXR target engagement after QD dosing over 4 weeks. ENYO Pharma will now initiate two Phase II clinical trials of EYP001 in NASH and CHBV.

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Poster presentation with Novadiscovery at the ICSB 2018

ENYO Pharma is pleased to collaborate with Novadiscovery which is presenting at the ISCB today a poster titled “A logical modelling approach to prepare and accelerate the design of ODE models: Application to bile acid metabolism”. The model of bile acids metabolism was developed in the context of a project for ENYO Pharma, where the aim was to model chronic hepatitis B virus and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

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Europe Ambition Day 2018

ENYO Pharma was present at the Europe Ambition Day in Lyon on October, 23rd 2018. This event, organized by the Auvergnes-Rhone-Alpes Entreprises, was opened to companies, academics and research centers in the region who wish to increase their chances of receiving funding from the European Commission. During the day, ENYO Pharma had the pleasure to participate to a panel discussion to share its success story and experience regarding the access to European fundings.

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