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2017 BIO International Convention

June 19-22, 2017

San Diego, CA, USA

The BIO International Convention is a global event which attracts over 15,000 biotechnology and pharma leaders, academic institutions, research centres and associated organizations from the 50 states of America and 33 other countries who come together for one week of intensive networking to discover new opportunities and promising partnerships.

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Bio€quity Europe 2017

22-23 May, 2017

Paris, France

Bio€quity Europe pioneered the turf-neutral concept, creating an open door for all members of the financial community and business development and licensing professionals to do business with independently selected Presenting Companies.

Now celebrating its 18th meeting, Bio€quity Europe is the seminal industry event for financial dealmakers looking for investor-validated life science companies positioning themselves to attract capital, and for pharmaceutical licensing professionals to assess top prospects.

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EASL – The International Liver Congress 2017

19-23 April, 2017

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The International Liver Congress™ (ILC) is the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. It is held in April every year.

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Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver – APASL Annual Meeting 2017

February 15-19, 2017

Shangai, China

APASL annual meeting has grown as the leading conference focusing on remarkable progress in liver disease, aimed to provide the latest scientific and evidence-based research result that will be applicable to the everyday clinical practice. It provides an excellent opportunity to share and exchange experiences especially from the view of Asian Pacific countries. These elements are essential to pave a way for better development of Hepatology.

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A new collaboration studying the impact of FXR function on HBV replications

ENYO Pharma is pleased to announce the initiation of a collaboration with the group of Professor Patrice André (Inserm U1111, Lyon, France) to develop a deeper understanding of how FXR agonists inhibit the replication cycle of Hepatitis B (HBV). In addition to identifying opportunities for new anti-HBV therapeutics, this collaboration will strengthen understanding of the mode of action of EYP001, ENYO’s lead compound. EYP001 is a highly selective FXR modulator that reduces the HBV cccDNA reservoir,

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