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Le journal des entreprises – Lyon. Enyo Pharma lève 22M€

FierceBiotech – Enyo Pharma gets a $24M funding boost for hep B cure candidate

Les Echos – Enyo Pharma décroche 22 millions contre l’hépatite B

ENYO Pharma announces closing of a €22 million funding round

Lyon, February 3, 2016 – ENYO Pharma announces closing of a €22 million funding round.

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AVIESAN – Kick-off Meeting REACTing

29-30 June 2015

Les Pensières” Fondation Mérieux-Conference Center, Veyrier du Lac – France

REsearch and ACTion targeting emerging infectious diseases (REACTing)

Dr V. Lotteau’s talk : “Response to Ebola : In vitro & in vivo experiments”

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