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The Science of HBV Cure Meeting

30 May-2 June, 2022
Hybrid event-Singapour

ENYO Pharma and its collaborators were presenting the last results on Vonafexor’s effect in HBV at The Science of HBV Cure Meeting organized by Singapore Hepatology Conference.
“Antiviral effects of oral farnesoid X receptor agonist Vonafexor combined with pegylated interferon alpha2a in untreated patients with chronic hepatitis B”.

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EIC Growth Club – Tech Tour Health 2022

20-22 June, 2022
Lausanne, Switzerland

ENYO Pharma was participating as a member of the EIC Growth Club in Tech Tour Health 2022 to secure growth, exchange international contacts and build long-lasting relations with some of the most active investors and other innovators in Healthcare space.

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The 22nd Bio€quity Europe

16-18 May, 2022
Milan, Italy

ENYO Pharma will attend the 22nd Bio€quity Europe, the Europe’s premier international showcase for financial dealmakers and biopharma executives to meet rising biotechs.
ENYO Pharma’s team will reconnect with investors and partners to accelerate the clinical development of its lead compound Vonafexor focused on kidney and liver diseases.
Jacky Vonderscher will also present “VONAFEXOR, a fibrolytic and anti-inflammatory for the treatment of kidney and liver diseases” in the Hot Topics Track #1 session,

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New publication : An anti-diabetic drug targets NEET (CISD) proteins through destabilization of their [2Fe-2S] clusters

ENYO is proud to share international collaborative study showing the anti-diabetic potential of the small molecule dEF2905 (M1) designed by ENYO Pharma’s drugdiscovery platform.
The study driven by Pr R. Nechushtai from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem demonstrates the efficacy of M1 in correcting defective blood glucose homeostasis in a diabetic mouse model through [2Fe-2S] cluster destabilization of mitochondrial NEET proteins. This publication also highlights the ENYO Pharma’s drug discovery platform inspired by viruses.

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Swiss NASH Foundation sponsorship

We are pleased to sponsor the Swiss NASH Foundation launched in 2019 by Pr Jean-François Dufour. Its mission is to raise awareness and increase the knowledge about NASH and fatty liver in general. Through funding innovative research projects on NASH diagnostics, treatment and patient management, the foundation is joining the fight against this epidemic disease.

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