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UBS Biotech Private Company Event

Virtual Event
September 22-23, 2021

Jacky Vonderscher, our CEO, gave a talk during the plenary of the UBS Biotech Private Company Event.

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New collaboration with Dr David Durantel’s team

Following the positive proof-of-concept data from 203 study of Vonafexor in combination with pegylated-Interferon (peg-IFN) in viremic patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), a new collaboration was initiated with the team of David Durantel at the International Center for Research in Infectiology (CIRI – INSERM U1111,

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Annual National Liver Conference – San Antonio

October 1st, 2021
San Antonio, USA

ENYO Pharma will sponsor the 16th Annual National Liver Conference.

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Paris NASH Meeting

September 9-10, 2021

ENYO Pharma team will be present at the 7th edition of this event organized by Arun Sanyal and Lawrence Serfaty.

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2021 International HBV Meeting

26-30 September 2021
Toronto, Hybrid event

ENYO Pharma team will be present at this event organized by The Hepatitis B Foundation.

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